The big day finally arrived. All my hats went up for sale and am happy to report that quite a few sold. The turn out was not that fantastic as the weather turned on some towns nearby they had lots of snow. All in all the event was a good one, although I did wear myself out conducting the CakeWalk. This is one of the hats which sold - isn't a surprise considering how wintery it looked. In fact most of the hats that sold were white or yellow, so will have to keep that in mind for next year. I used two strands of yarn, two different kinds, and then when it came to the band I doubled up on one yarn and dropped the other. There is nothing special about making this hat, nor is there anything special about the yarn. It was one of my first few tries at doing something "different" before jumping on the band wagon of using more luxurious yarns. It's just a simple h/d until it gets to the size you need and then about four or six rows of single crochet. Easy, but not special...yet gets the job done. I'm starting a new project of learning a few new stitches and designs to put into another hat. I loved the knitted Mermaid Gloves that Craftoholic did, and think it could be adapted to a crochet design. We shall see!
Several Weeks of crochet and HOT temps!
7 months ago