Today is the FIRST day of the rest of your life!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Potholders Galore

I have been messing around with various patterns from my crochet book trying to improve my skills. They are fun and quick and interesting - and not very easy, I might add!

Below is the back.  It was hard to get this thing to come our straight and look right, but I think it turned out okay.  The color that looks blue is really a dark teal, and the olive green is really a dark dusty green.  Can't get the colors to come out right - might try again outside and see if the sunlight helps.

This is a cotton potholder made in a pattern called Catherine's Wheel.  I thought it was an appropriate name, but don't like the final outcome.  I think I'll test it out more and see if I can come up with some way to make the "wheels" come out more like a true circle.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Candy Corn!

Our Potholder Along for October had this pattern for Candy Corn Potholders - so I turned one into a Candy Corn Hot Pad to match. Easy pattern and free on the net. I think these will make cute gifts!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Megan's Afghan Finished!!!!

I finally put the pedal to the medal and finished Meg's afghan. This sucker is one heavy piece of fabric!! She will be warm, for sure, if not too warm. I ran out of the lighter purple yarn, but had too much of the other. I think I could have put another few rows around the border, but instead ran out of will. When you are sooooooooo close to being finished, it is hard to stretch the project out longer. I think, no matter what, she will love it, and it is  certainly long enough for her to snuggle up.

Next comes Cindy's, but I keep changing the pattern. I want it to be just right for her. Hmmmm?????


Learning & Loving Crochet

Mixing it up with a bit of this and a tad of that from my projects and my life - come along with me!