Seraphina Shawl for Heidi - Batwings! This is Dona's design, and seems to be one of the most popular shawls I see on Ravelry. I have already made two and bought yarn to make two more! The
pattern is fairly easy once you get past the initial six rows. It will all sort of jell in your mind all of a sudden. On this page (which takes awhile to download due to the large photos) she has lots of photos showing exactly how to go about starting the shawl, how it looks after you start, along the way, and after you finish. She has done a wonderful job so even a novice could make this shawl easily. You can make it longer or shorter, according to your needs,

likes, and taste.
The photo is from Bron's Blog - her version of the Seraphina Shawl showing just how lovely it can be in a not so expensive yarn. Jo-Ann's Sensations Rainbow Boucle. Somewhere between $6.00-$8.00 if on sale.