Today is the FIRST day of the rest of your life!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Cute little dress...

For the store wall...
I haven't added the buttons yet, but have some cute ones with a rabbit on them. I left the arms in the butterfly mode rather than making them longer as I made a smaller version...this is made from the Lion Brand Baby Soft I carry at the store. I love how the colors match up with the variegated so nicely...and the drape!

My friend Bev told me about this pattern for Sophies Cardigan so I just had to try my hand at it.  Here is the link to the pattern.  Her version is so much prettier than mine!
So light and dainty.  Pattern is pretty easy, so give it a try!


  1. Really cute..:) I like them so much. Cute and very romantic...:))
    All best wishes..

  2. It's so cute. I took my yoke apart five times. Kept making the same mistake over and over again. Good job!



Learning & Loving Crochet

Mixing it up with a bit of this and a tad of that from my projects and my life - come along with me!