Today is the FIRST day of the rest of your life!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Lynne's slippers

These are for my red headed, rambunctious, vivacious, lively, lovely
redheaded niece. I am making them frivolous and funny and warm. The
original colors I had picked out were not loud enough, or fun enough.
Then the blue wasn't either, but I had already made all the bottom decided to have fun with them. The pink and black heel
that you see will match the front which will be mostly pink.
Unfortunately, I didn't pay attention to the washing instructions
until after the second heel was finished....she will have to hand wash
them, or wash in the delicate cycle, and air dry. Guess I'll have to
make her another pair that are not quite as strange!


  1. I MUST HAVE the pattern for these.

    They just scream . . .MAKE ME FOR YOUR NIE CES ! ! ! !

    (Can you hear them screaming? LOLOL)

  2. I MUST have the pattern for these. Can't you hear them screaming "MAKE ME FOR YOUR NIECES ! ! ! !"

    LOLOL@ the scream, but I do want toknow where you found the pattern.

    I need to become a follower ofyour blog. You have some GREAT STUFF ! ! ! !

  3. DUH! Guess I didn't know one went and then did another.

    Oh well, it will make your comment section grow.

