I'll have to double check them again tomorrow when I have some
semblance of brain power.
I think I must have sent some out that I haven't photographed. Oh,
my. I hope the receiver photographs them so I can steal the photos!
I think I must have sent some out that I haven't photographed. Oh,
my. I hope the receiver photographs them so I can steal the photos!
I really, really, really like the dove. May have to make one for
myself someday.
One for LindaH and one for me!
This square is one I just made up. Nothing fancy.
This is the potholder pattern and the colors are UGLY. So making a bottom to make it a hotpad. Will remake it in yellows as I doubt that anyone has these are kitchen colors. I suppose if you don't have one, it would be worth getting as a gift ... ???????
I can't believe the colors, and that I actually like them! Hah! They remind me of the colors I painted in my bathroom and hallway when I was in my early 20's. This must have been a left over from that. This one is about the size of a youth bed, or trundle bed. Still looks pretty good for being nearly 20 years old!
Mixing it up with a bit of this and a tad of that from my projects and my life - come along with me!