Today is the FIRST day of the rest of your life!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The rest of the Va Va Victorian Squares

If I have posted any of these on this blog, apologies are in order.
I'll have to double check them again tomorrow when I have some
semblance of brain power.

I think I must have sent some out that I haven't photographed. Oh,
my. I hope the receiver photographs them so I can steal the photos!

I lied...More Vanna Whites!

I forgot to post the Va Va Victorian before I left for vacation. So,
they are next up. These are more of the White group. Sorry for the
delay! I am trying desperately to get my posting done so I can get to

I really, really, really like the dove. May have to make one for
myself someday.

Squares and Potholders

One for LindaH and one for me!

This square is one I just made up. Nothing fancy.

This is the potholder pattern and the colors are UGLY.   So making a bottom to make it a hotpad. Will remake it in yellows as I doubt that anyone has these are kitchen colors. I suppose if you don't have one, it would be worth getting as a gift ... ???????

The First Afghan I Ever Made!

Many, many years ago I made my first adult sized afghan for my youngest niece. I had forgotten all about it, but when I mentioned to my SIL that the first one I made was for my nephew (took 8 or so years!) she reminded me of the other one. It took a bit to jog my memory. So, while I was visiting my family I saw this very bright afghan in the closet and decided I needed to take a photo of it lest I forget again!

I can't believe the colors, and that I actually like them! Hah! They remind me of the colors I painted in my bathroom and hallway when I was in my early 20's. This must have been a left over from that. This one is about the size of a youth bed, or trundle bed. Still looks pretty good for being nearly 20 years old!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I have no idea how to get these photos to act normally.  The all want to bunch up weirdly on the page.  I need to take a class in this blog business!

These scattered photos are the ones I made for the Speedy Swap Exchange for the white group in Vanna's Choice.  Our "whites" consist of Lamb, Beige, White.  Not much of a variety, but amazing what you can do with color changes in the same pattern.  My most favorite is the top left, but the bottom one and the top one in the stacked photo are close seconds.  I like that color combo better than the white and lamb on the bottom of the stacked set.  Sent 3 out, and already have three from one of the group...all three in white in the same pattern!  Just what I wanted ... 3 of the same pattern and color(s).  I wanted an afghan with some semblance of unity.  For my whites I may make the top one if I get up the nerve as it was a bit hard for me.

Time for sleep!  G'night.  Tomorrow I will post my Va-Va Victorian Squares in Cranberry, Burgundy, Dusty Green, Beige and Olive.

Friday, April 3, 2009

New Cats


I only have two more faces to do, then fix the backs, then crochet them all together, and THEN put on an edge.  Now that I think about it, that doesn't sound like "only"!  Even though I can't post the patterns of the cats here, once I figure out the edging, I CAN post that.  Big deal.

Learning & Loving Crochet

Mixing it up with a bit of this and a tad of that from my projects and my life - come along with me!