Today is the FIRST day of the rest of your life!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Merry Christmas from the Holy Family

..... and a couple of Noah's Ark animals!

I am grateful for all my friends and family, near and far, on-line and on the street, and in keeping with the tradition of good will, am wishing you all a very wonderful (and thankful) Thanksgiving weekend, as well as the same for the coming Christmas celebration.

Blessings to you and yours from our home and family.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Joseph, of Joseph and Mary fame .........

This is my last offering to Nancy for her Nativity group.  Rather handsome, no?

Now to get back to the scarf and posting the pattern .... I think you will love just how easy it is and how different!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

This is the latest of the Nativity amigurumi characters that I have received....and the last. :o(  I don't remember posting about her, so if this is a double post please forgive me!

The pattern is from Alan Dart and was made by Sylv in England.  Isn't she just beautiful!!!!

In my younger years our family visited my mom's sister and her family at the farm near Tekoa, WA.  They had a family cow named Bossy. Although she was not light peach with a white face, she was sweet - even with a not-so-sweet name.  I think I'll call this one Bessie to honor that sweet cow that let me milk her one time.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

New Scarf ......

I am working on a new scarf in a lovely cotton rayon yarn. I am finding the color combination to be right up my alley, but it seems to twist quite a lot as I crochet. I am not sure if that is due to the way the LYS wound the yarn, or it it is the yarn itself.  Every couple of rows I have to untwist it.  This is Olmue, a yarn blend from Chile, 399 yards in a finger weight.

After I experiment a bit more with this one I will post it again with the pattern notes. Not MY pattern, but have never seen it on the web anywhere, and looked in lots of books to no avail. So. I want to try my hand at a couple of variations before divulging the wondrous crochet stitches.  

The colors here are "cooler" than in reality. The scarf has more of a lavender/purple hue.  The next time I post I'll be sure the coloring is perfect as I can get it.

Drool all you want - I'll be back with more!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Fixed .....

We had plenty of light rain for two days, but just before it hit we were able to have the land slide "fixed" - filled up with dirt.  So, having the rain was a nice touch to settle it down and smooth it out. The top photo shows the huge backhoe at the front of our house patting down the dirt which was brought over by another machine.  These young men worked FAST.

These are the "before the rain" photos .... remember that from top to bottom is about 100 feet.  Thank goodness the trees survived and now have their roots covered.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

And along comes the Donkey .....

So here is the second little animal for the Nativity .... they just are so cute! Same pattern purchased for the whole set from Carolyn Christmas, link in the last post.  This is the first time that I put on the little plastic eyes.  Liked it so much that I went to a site called 6060 and purchased a whole bunch of cute eyes, and even some noses! ;o)

Now here he is saying goodbye to everyone before his long journey.  The rest of the group are those that I have received in the swap.  The sheep to the left are from Noah's Ark, but fit right in with the Nativity set!  In a larger format it's a bit blurry.

Isn't this a nice family.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Mary had a little Lamb

Whose fleece isn't really white this time. I used Vanna's Choice Lamb - appropriate, no?

For the nose, ears, and feet I used Beige - black for the eyes, of course.  I just think he is just such a cutie!  He was almost as easy to make as the Lady Bug.  This little guy goes with the Nativity Swap characters I've sent out.

He, like the others, is from the pattern book you can buy at Gourmet Crochet by Carolyn Christmas (isn't that a NEAT name!?!).

Hopefully the link works if you click on the photo of the booklet. She has many wonderful little booklets full of lovely surprises!

Now on to the next Nativity character..........

Learning & Loving Crochet

Mixing it up with a bit of this and a tad of that from my projects and my life - come along with me!