Today is the FIRST day of the rest of your life!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Another Few Inches....

Oh, this is soooooo slooooooow...but at least I am not feeling pressured into getting it done. That's generally when I quit something as it becomes "funless" for sure.
Not a lot finished, but more in one day that I have finished previously. Makes me feel sunshiny inside thinking of my darling granddaughter wearing it.  That reminds me - I did do a sweater for the older one that she called her Sunshine sweater. 
I loved that I found the perfect buttons for it, even if they did catch!

I had forgotten about all the little people sweaters I have finished.  Will have to check them all out again. Each one has a different memory attached to it.

Oh - back to the sweater I am making. I did a little more after I took the top photo. Not much, but almost ready to start the sleeves! Yay!
Was sitting next to the new doggie bed - so took the opportunity to use it as a background as it is in some of the same colors.
This shows the pattern very nicely.  I'm liking it the more I crochet!

Friday, January 6, 2012

It's a beginning…..

I just started the sweater, but I think it is going to be even larger than I thought.  Might have to give it to an adult instead of my granddaughter! Hah! 

I find that using the tweedy type coloration is hard to see the stitches. I have had a slow go of it until I finally have gotten to where I recognize the stitch configuration.  I think if I do this one again I will use just a plain colored yarn, nothing with striations or variegations.

The yarn is very soft - even softer than the "normal" Vanna's Choice, so that makes me hope it will actually fit the 3 year old, and if not, then the soon to be 6 year old!


Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Project for 2012

While I still have an afghan that I have been working on intermittently for a dear friend (keep having to purchase birthday and Christmas gifts as have not finished it in 1 1/2 years!!!), I felt that a SMALL project would be just the ticket to stir up my creative juices.  I think it has been six months since I have put hook to yarn.

In Ravelry they are doing a CAL/KAL for a baby sweater in the Vanna's Choice Fan Club Group.  I am thinking about this hoodie to use up some of my VC.  This calls for an H hook and cotton yarn, so figure if I use an I hook and the VC it will come out about right for my three year old granddaughter.

Step one - get the yarn.  Don't want to purchase any more, so this is what I could find all in one color. Not "girlie" but will go with lots of goodies and the sweater is more like a coat any way. ;o)

So - off I go to get started - a little each day.  Cheers!


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 as a New Year

Just don't want to write it twice.

May you have a very new and blessed 2012


Learning & Loving Crochet

Mixing it up with a bit of this and a tad of that from my projects and my life - come along with me!