Today is the FIRST day of the rest of your life!

Monday, October 22, 2012

It's Raining, It's Pouring....

Which would be fine, except that I still have a little leak on the porch.  That makes me so frustrated...they have been out here four times trying to find it.  At least it diminishes with each visit, so perhaps the next time will be the charm.

I made a pot roast in my new slow cooker - which was tasty, but tooooooo large. Hopefully it will accommodate smaller meals.  My mom used to make tamale pie for us kids when it was cold like now.

I loved it!  I am sure that it isn't really the best meal for someone as it is "pre" prepared, using the canned tamales, but to a hungry kid they were awesome!  Her recipe is as follows:

Tamale Pie

2 cans prepared tamales (take off the wrappers before using)
1 cup of pitted ripe black olives
6 3x3 slices of american cheese
1/4 cup chopped onion.

Lightly grease (or spray) 1 1/2 to 2 qt. casserole.
Arrange 1 can tamales on bottom.  
Add half the olives and onions, cover with half the cheese.
Repeat in same order with other half.
Slice up a few olives as garnish on top of the cheese.  
Bake at 350 until bubbly - about 30 minutes.
Let it set 3 or 4 minutes before serving so it isn't goupy. :o)

I'll have to make some to post a photo...could not find one on the net!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Knitting and Crocheting in Sitka

My dear friend from  Sequim, WA sent me a link to a lovely blog....and this particular post as all about her trip to the LYS in Sitka, AK for a few hours of fun and relaxation.  It is similar, yet different, from my own shop in Payette, ID but I can tell has the same feel.  This is what I hope my shop will grow into some day...where locals come to sit, knit, crochet and enjoy each other's company.

My husband had a pharmacy in Sitka for 20 years or so.  He and his wife raised their children there.  My step-kids, although I prefer to think of them as MY children! ;o)

I did not see this shop when I visited there the last two times, but I will certainly find it the next time I get up there....hopefully with the kids and granddaughters for a mini-vacation.

Have you visited your LYS lately?  Even to sit and crochet or knit, or visit a bit? Sometimes that is all that is needed to make an owner feel that all the time and trouble to keep the shop open, makes it worthwhile!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


This is a pattern I worked up in Shimmer by Red Heart.  It is the same I had used for the eldest granddaughter's last sweater.  Thought I'd make another one a little larger, but I think this one is TOO large.  I have a nifty neat PDF that gives logical measurements so am going to run it past those pages once I measure. Should have had it before I started.  

It is pretty though, and if she can't wear it now, she can wear it later....sort of like the candy...Now and Later!

I need to add buttons, or some sort of clasp system.  I love the sparkle in this yarn, as well as the drape. Unfortunately I think my added waist interest makes it look a little too "mature" - she is only six years old!


Learning & Loving Crochet

Mixing it up with a bit of this and a tad of that from my projects and my life - come along with me!