I joined a Crochet A-Long and was to make a tank top. The yarn I had
was too heavy and I didn't have enough for the pattern. I had gone
back to buy more but the only other color they had at the time of this
Bamboo was pink. I really love the yarn so decided to make the pattern "sort of" and use a larger afghan hook which helps the yarn drape better, as well as lets you use less yarn. This is the result
so far. The only catch is that I think this one is going to be too small for me! Yikes! The top pattern doesn't look so great in the photo, but does look good "in person." Maybe I'll have to diet! I decided rather than piece it together I would just keep crocheting down the back and make it one piece and then sew up the sides and make a nice edging around the neck and arm holes.