Today is the FIRST day of the rest of your life!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Little Lady Bug

This month for the Itsy Bitsy Swap on Ravelry, for Noah's Ark - I decided to do an itsy bitsy bug ... the little Lady Bug to be exact.

I found such a cute character in the book "Super Cute 25 Amigurumi Animals" by Annie Obaachan.

This pattern took just a couple of hours to finish - it was very fast, and is oh so cute! I think that it could be used in many ways - as a pin cushion, to tag luggage, use as a large pull tab on a big zippered purse, or a decoration for a purse. 

However you use it, whether as a toy for a child, or a decoration for a gift, it will be astonishingly easy AND cute! And now my giftee has it in had to do with as she pleases! 


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My Boy Chuckie

Just could not resist - have been feeling under the weather for 3 days, and thought about what made me feel good and warm and loved and felt I ought to share one of several reasons I feel that way....

This is Chuckie - he is 13 years old, making him "older" than my husband now. He's my big baby boy - follows me all over the house (unless he is asleep) and whines at me when it is time to go to bed. He won't go unless I go (or if I take him in there and sit a moment while he falls asleep - he is a sound sleeper!).

Dogs - such wonderful creations of love and companionship.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Finished the Potholder

This is the first time in years that I have made a thread potholder - I think this is only my second one!  It really doesn't take a whole lot longer than using the kitchen cotton, and looks so dainty in comparison.

I did not use a pattern for the front - as stated a few posts ago.  However, I found a hexagon pattern and used it for the back.  The white from the front shows through a bit, and I had cut a piece of fabric to "line" it between the parts - but liked the look less than without - so took it out at the last minute. Although the corners don't look pointy on one side, they are - I just did not smooth it out properly for the photo, trying to rush and get the photo taken and then packaged to ship to Karen (BrooklynIrishGirl on Ravelry - shhhhh don't tell her yet!)

This potholder is substantial enough to use, and dainty enough to display. What could be better!??!  Oh.....not expensive to make!!   ;o)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I am not the most creative, but decided to make a dickie for the Friendship swap.  It is is simple rectangle made with a very nice yarn. Hopefully the spectacular nature of the yarn shows up in the photos.  It is actually three yarns in one.  One is quite sparkly, one is bumpy, and one is ropey.  When you click on it, it should show well.....

Then I found some buttons to match the type of yarn and put them on the side close to the ends so it could be worn flat, just under a blouse or sweater.  I really did love the feel of it and the look of it under my blouse. Hopefully the recipient does, too.  I think in some ways I like it better than the cowls you see which are overwhelming to me.  AND it is oh-so-warm!

Try making one if you haven't already. Quick, easy, and oh, so comfy!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Part of Our day....

When my BFF from Savannah and I decided we were going to town my hubby wanted to take our photo down by the For Sale sign on our lower property, then one looking up at the house. After he took the photos we took off to go to town.

Backing up here a lunch I thought the water pressure was low. Went around the whole property and could not see a leak, and none of the water junctions were on. Everything off...did not hear the pump go off a lot, either. Now, fast forward....... after we leave the Hubster looks up at the house and thinks that it looked funny on the slope. He takes the four wheeler up the side of our property instead of the drive and notices that the hillside had actually slid off!!! There was a broken pipe under the Juniper that was connected to the yard water through some unknown, long forgotten pipe. Thank goodness that it did not take out the two trees in front, but did take out a huge chunk of the Juniper. Had he not caught it the house would have been next, I am sure....with us in it!

One of the only reasons I am not fond of living on the point of a hillside mainly made of sand......the thought of sliding off into oblivion. You can see in the second to last photo indentations in the side of the hill where there have been water breaks and parts of the hill have slid off, to the left and right of this water break. I hope this is the last time!

Learning & Loving Crochet

Mixing it up with a bit of this and a tad of that from my projects and my life - come along with me!