Today is the FIRST day of the rest of your life!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hanging Hearts

I was reading in a magazine that had a bit of advertising for vintage handmade items. One of those were hanging hearts made from old fabric - the big flowered type - and hung with that thin rope....what do you call it? Oh - TWINE.

So the old fabric and the twine gave it a vintage feel.  How much, you say?  $45.00 BIG  ONES!  I about died. They looked to be about four inches tall, maybe six.  But $45.00????  I say not.  I was trying to find things to recommend for Christmas gifts, but in THIS case, I think I would have to recommend that you make your own.  And if you don't believe me, I also looked it up here. View at your own risk!

Now this little dove heart is one is from information linked below. The site is called Live, Laugh Love and I think you WILL love it!

This site is what I found while embarking on a search for some handmade hearts that were not so darn expensive...and I found some rather lovely ones if I do say so myself. Are you up for hanging one from your tree this Christmas?  Or are you going to give your heart away? 
These are not here is the US, but they live with our brethren in the UK. :o)  Now these little gems are just perfect - perfectly priced, and perfectly beautiful!

Happy Hunting!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Gifts, etc.

Well - today I saw a beautiful pattern by Lily Go.  It is called Blue Lagoon.  They are doing a CAL on it in Ravelry so I think I might join just as a relaxation exercise.  Something for me.  She has both crocheted and knitted shawls...other things, too I think. All her work is simply beautiful!  And she is so young!!!! 

Come join the fun! I'll post my ever so s-l-o-w progress.  I am working faster, instead, on my nephews afghan which will be, unfortunately, late for Christmas. I'll get some photos of that, also.

I am also thinking of some items to purchase for Christmas.  I was introduced last year to a place called Solitude Wool by a friend.  I think you can tell by the name that they sell wool. Located in the east.  The two ladies have their own sheep, but also buy wool from small farms, and you can buy just the most wonderful yarn.  Pricey, but beautiful.  It's fun to check out the web page to just look at the sheep!


Saturday, November 12, 2011

American Made Gifts

I was thinking about our economy this week, and about how as a consumer I could help a little.  People are cutting back, but not stopping, on their Christmas shopping.

I began to think about all the wonderful craft type places here in the states and our close neighbors, that produce items from scratch....none from China! ;o)

So, today I present you with History Lives which is a small company in New England, and is a division of Cooper Fife Drum Company.

Here you will find some objects replicated from historical facts, including Tops, Whirly-gigs, and Table Top Nine Pins.  I plan on buying Jacob's Ladder for a nephew named Jacob! ;o)

There are many other wonderful companies in America that are suffering.  I am sure that there are others in our neighboring countries, as well as in Europe.  Should you find one that sells specialty items we can afford, let me know.  I think we can all save a little money and do our part to help the "little man" afford their turkey for this Christmas.

Blessings to you all.

Learning & Loving Crochet

Mixing it up with a bit of this and a tad of that from my projects and my life - come along with me!