Today is the FIRST day of the rest of your life!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Squares I received today..

I am so thrilled to receive a knit cable square from Annette.  Wish my Tunisian cables looked as lovely.  It's beautiful, and will look great in Alice's Afghan. Annette sent the top three, and the other two are gorgeous, too. I'm going to start edging all the squares in green later this week so when they are all here I can just put them together. Might do green and yellow. Will then have two afghans to send at once for the little ones.

It is hard to believe the squares that LindaH sends - just beautiful, and I received two today. This was the bonus day for squares.  They are always so substantial and beautifully patterned.

However, it was the bonus day PERIOD. BFF Beverly sent me a pot load of booklets (and one book) full of patterns! Tunisian Stitch patterns! WOW! Am I blessed, or what! I saw a lovely little girls dress in there that I think I could make into a pinafore. Haven't used that word in many years - pinafore.  It's such a cute dress, and looks like it would really be fun to make.  There is also a lovely Navy Coat that I believe I can make into a shorter version.  Thanks Bev!  You are the bomb!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Karen's Cables

I finished the Tunisian cable pattern, but this time with three cables. This one hasn't been blocked yet, but did wet it down a bit to take the photo, which flattened the cables a bit. I did another swatch and like the look a bit better with only two TKS rows between the chains as it give the cables a fuller look. I twisted each chain so they all matched. I suppose if you were to make a sweater each side could be twisted opposite one another to mirror the image. Perhaps I think too much...however, I am planning on trying it again but using a smaller hook when it comes time to do the chains so see if I can get them to look a little more like knitting cables.  Twist them more?

Also, as a side note on my "double crochet in the air" I believe I've simplified the process quite a bit. I am not doing the "bump" on the back and it looks just fine, plus it goes quicker. I have used the yo for a beginning sc, and it works just fine, so am happy with that. I have also used 3 yo for the beginning treble and that worked fine, too. If anyone tries it, please let me know what you think. I will go over my photos next week to simplify them and add instructions. I think they are a bit confusing right now.

Charity Potholder

This is a neat pattern, and love the way it came out. It's a thick potholder, and just the right size.  You can make them in lots of colors for various holiday themes, which make great gifts. This one took one day to make, therefore a great project to carry around. The pattern is archived, so get it while it's still there.

I did as suggested and carried the yarn across the back.  I'm use to that in Tunisian, but in this pattern you turn your work and go back, so it was a bit tricky for me to carry it across the front.  However, after a bit it got easier.  This, and a few more, will be sent to the June charity for the potholder group on Ravelry.  The charity this month is:
ETA:  I forgot to mention that Paula is the hostess for this months events and she did make some nifty choices for the potholder patterns!

P.O. Box 596 
McLaughlin, SD 57642

Friday, June 12, 2009

Tunisian Square

This is a swatch of a new Tunisian stitch I'm learning. The book calls it a large pebble stitch, but it is more of a cable stitch to me. I am using the Tunisian Knit Stitch - 10 stitches in on the return row I chained five, then continued in sequence for six stitches, then chained five again and continued for the next 10 stitches. The next two rows are made in the TKS, and the 3rd row on the return you make the chains again.

When all is said and done you can go back and chain them up the row by hand. You can see them looped over the hook...which is really only there to hold the swatch down.

What I didn't like about the swatch is that the pattern calls for the stitch to start about four rows up. it leaves too gaping a space to look good as far as I am concerned. If I make a sweater using this I would start on the second row. Also note, I am using the Foundation Row which gives Tunisian better flexibility at the bottom rather than the tight non-forgiving normal bottom of a Tunisian fabric.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Pink Aster Square

For some reason some of the photos I posted disappeared, so am reposting them in this thread.  Don't know what happened, but it messed up the Ravelry page, too.  I have to go back over THAT page once I finish here.  Not fair.  Too many technical bugs for my taste!


Friday, June 5, 2009

My Stash - and then some

Jaime posted a photo of her neat and well organized...on Ravelry. That made me think about my 'cave' downstairs and what I have there. I thought it might be good for me to take photos and embarrass myself to  give me a push towards organizing the stash. (Some day).

Monday, June 1, 2009

Another Pinkalicious Square

This one is called Moody Blues in the book 50 Fabulous Crochet Squares by Jean Leinhauser and Rita Weiss. However, I obviously didn't make it blue!

This whole square is made with my method of making the dc "in the air" which has become addicting to me. So much so that I am now not making the regular slip stitch in the initial chain. I do the invisible join, and then start over after cutting the yarn so that I don't have an obvious chain one or double crochet showing. I quit doing the other double crochet when starting another row of the same color because I was having difficulty in the next row above that one when I got to that stitch. Too much bulk for my taste.

This one turned out nicely! Do you think you can find any of my joins??????


Learning & Loving Crochet

Mixing it up with a bit of this and a tad of that from my projects and my life - come along with me!