Today is the FIRST day of the rest of your life!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dusty Afghan put together!

Although the afghan is now together, I still have a couple of ends to weave in. As I bordered each square about 3 times (some two, some four) the squares ended up being approximately 14 1/2 to 15 inches across ... with the join that made the afghan about 47" x 64" - so I didn't need a border to make it any larger!

The border was so simple, yet rather pretty - different than my usual. I would sc, ch3, dc in the same stitch - skip 2 stitches and do the same thing. Then when I got to the corners I would leave enough stitches so that I could sc, ch3, dc and then skip one instead of two. That made the border go around the stitches quite nicely and there was no obvious rubble or stretch or tightening in the corners. Love it!

This may be for my 9 year old grandniece - I'm waiting to hear from my niece to see if she likes these colors, or just wants the all pink one I have waiting to put together next.
I love these colors, and do especially love knit squares! That's probably because I can't knit myself....but all are beautiful.

One down, only 6 more to go! I will no longer be a "Block Hoarder"!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Okay - Beverooni is going to "help" me make these gloves two posts down! Yay!  I'm game, what would be the best option for them if you don't have the "right" yarn?  Hmmmm - I do have some Country but don't have 2 skeins of any one color! Yikes!

I have Foliage (lighter Olive), Loden Forest (darker Olive), Peacock (bright/darker Teal), Spruce (Lighter greenish Teal), and Sunset (a Melon color).  I also have two skeins of Spa, but it is consider a "3" while Country is a "4" - besides being different content.

I think I will start with the Foliage and the Loden Forest Border.  I'll just have to pick up another skein of the Foliage so I can make the second glove - hopefully the lot numbers won't make a big deal difference or I'll be stuck with One glove! ;o)  I guess I could make one glove with the body opposite of the other and not have to purchase any more yarn!

Anyone else out there up to making a pair of these???????

I kind of prefer the colors show on the pattern....should I choose a different color???????

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Sunshine Award continues to thrive!

So I come home from JoAnn's after spending most of my hard earned money and crash in front of the computer with the idea that I'm going to be making heart squares for the afghan which is to be auctioned.  It is being put together by Becky so if you want to do one or two, too, check this out.

Anyway, I sit in front of the computer and see I have a message from dear Paula.  She has decided that I am cheerful and positive and creative!  HOORAY!!!  Someone loves me!   

She passed along the coveted Sunshine Award to me and 11 other very lucky people.  How sweet is that?  Now I get to pass it on to another 12 bloggers who make me happy and cheerful and give me positive creative vibes.  It really isn't that hard to decide - however, so many of the people I want to give it to have ALREADY received it! Yikes! 

So, below you will find the guidelines and names of lots of neat and wonderful people, and what they need to do when they (hopefully) accept this award.  This is sort of like a way to get people to check us out, I think!

The Sunshine Blog Award is awarded to bloggers whose positive and creativity inspires others in the blog world. The rules for accepting the award are:

1. Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
2. Pass the award to 12 bloggers.
3. Link the nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

I am going to finishe the names doggie is bouncing around wanting me to toss the Frisbie for her - I can't concentrate on all this electronic stuff right now.....

1. Bev @ One Yarn After Another Bev is thoughtful/creative/cheerful/talented/my BFF
2. Jan @ Enthusastic Crochetaholic Jan is like Bev - she makes soooo many items I'm always amazed...her talent is so awesome!
3. Gene @ CrochetDad  - Gene is very talented, makes up his own patterns and has some really great patterns...besides, he lives close to where I lived in Hemet, CA  :o)
4. Teresa @ Crochet Mania who is trying to teach crochet - one stitch at a time! She's such a fun lady and also talented like the rest of you! Lots of patterns...
5. Erika @ Erika's Blog Corner - Erika is like a lot of us - older, wiser, happier and sometimes sadder, ever so crafty, hardworking and SUNSHINEY!
6.  French Knots @ French Knots - another person who can do it all - sew, crochet, design...oh my! Talented plus.
7. Pattie @ Grannies and Ripples Actually, although Pattie is the 'owner' of the site, she has lots and lots of wonderful people who donate photos and patterns of Granny squares and Ripples...'tis a cheerful and happy bright place to visit - as is Pattie!
8. Susie @ Susie Can Stitch - Susie makes quilts, and crochets, and is not only cheerful and talented, but her work tends to be as bright and happy as she is!
9. Emily a@ the dabbler.... This is one talented sewer.  She takes garage sale finds and makes them into every day glorious items! She has the knack to make sunshine from rocks! Take a look......
10. Keri @ Greyt Balls of Yarn - I know she already has one, but what the heck! She should get one and just be an extra person for me (don't have to send them out again) - so I will list lucky 13! She is talented and happy and fun!
11. Barbara @ embroidery overlaps - This is a fun site if you like to embroider, bake, even craft...she can take beautiful photos, too! Such an interesting place to land when you need something new in your life - or just to gaze at someone else's beautiful work. VERY SUNSHINEY!!!
12. Chris Simon @ Yarn Crazy - Well, you all know who she is, so nothing is left to say!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Memphis Fingerless Gloves

Memphis Fingerless Gloves is a project in the Naturally Caron web site.  The design is by Kim Rutledge, and the gloves are made in Naturally Caron acrylic and Merino Wool.  I love the way these operetta style gloves look - measuring about 15 inches long.

I almost think that if one were talented enough, the gloves could be turned into an actual sweater, too.  I doubt that is a project I will ever attempt, but it seems like it would be a worth while endeavor.

I'm going to purchase some of this yarn tomorrow, and once I finish making my charity squares I am going to attempt these.  Anyone out there want to try them too?  The pattern is FREE!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Afghans Galore!

I finished Hubby's Winter Wonderland afghan finally. Well - finished putting it together. I did four of the squares so did contribute. ;o) I made it longer as he is 6' 2" and wanted something he could cover up his legs and torso - this is perfect.

The Muddy Waters afghan is also finished and waiting for it's owner - TBD (to be decided). Big brother may want this one instead of the Three Course Meal afghan - but we shall see. It's really very nice, so may want to keep it!

The Kitty afghan isn't done, but thought I'd toss it in the mix. This is the afghan I started last year that led to my making a device I am patenting. It's for graphing in crochet or knitting. I love it, and it saved my sanity as you can see I worked with many colors. The Eeyore I did ages ago was made with my device also. I can use up to 20 colors comfortably on it and not get tangled! Yay! I should be getting the Patent Pending number in another month so will be able to sell it!!!! Another Yay!

You can see that on the back of the Kitty Afghan I am putting a quilting square over the back of each face. This is to hide all the many short yarn pieces I did not weave in. After all that I have been through to do the squares, I almost wish I had gone ahead and just tied them in knots and left it that way! ;o)

The very bottom photo was taken January of 2009 making the first kitty face (an orange kitty that didn't make it into the afghan) and as you can see I was all thumbs! It was a mess of yarn - so glad I'm organized now with my new soon-to-be patented device!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Just as an added note to my blog about the crochet hooks from Turn-of-the-Century, they are about 7 1/2 inches long, so large enough to do a small Tunisian crochet project - but the point was just a bit too pointy for me.  I took an emery board and filed it down to a smoother tip and now it is perfect for my work - or I should say THEY are perfect, as I did all of them.  I like the way they feel, and once I got use to holding my work a little farther from my body the end of the hook quit hitting me in the chest! Cheeky little fellow!  I think anyone would love these hooks!

And so, here's to you and your loved one(s) that you will enjoy each other's company today!
Dance happily....or not...

And so - Happy Valentine's Day! I was busy the morning getting ready for company and didn't make it on-line earlier to wish everyone a great day! I hope all your Valentine wishes come true! I received two lovely packages from my two Secret Valentine swaps, so am happy.

These are photos of real Valentine cards I found on-line ages ago when I was doing a presentation at one of my club luncheons.  So innocent back then!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Glamourous Valentine Day!

SHHHHHH - Don't tell my Secret Valentines that I've posted these photos!

I made both items from Vanna's Choice Glamour. I love this yarn! It is easy to use, can be used instead of sock yarn, and is soft and stretchy! Of course, as it is a thinner yarn it takes longer to get to where you want to go, but works up ever so nicely.

The scarf is going to my Secret Sweetheart for the Vanna swap group and the fingerless gloves are going to my Secret Sweetheart in the Itsy Bitsy swap group. I know - they should be going to the same place! I didn't think of that until after they were done, and there is no way I'm going to make another scarf - and the other scarf is already sent so can't add the gloves. My bad. But at least I sent some yarn!

I just made up the scarf. It was easy....just take one of those lace or shell patterns, make the recommended number for one, two or three pattern repeats, and then do the pattern until you have about 5 or 6 inches. The rest of my scarf is double crochet, but you can do single crochet too - just takes longer.  However, it would make a heftier scarf which might be more desirable.

The problem I ran into in making up my own pattern is that I had to figure out how to do the pattern upside down so the two ends would match when you looked at them straight on! It wasn't toooooo bad - but if you look closely and dissect it, you'll be able to see some of my itsy bitsy mistakes. ;o)  Perhaps most people wouldn't mind one end being upside down from the other, but it just would not look right to me.

The gloves are another story. The pattern comes from the Coats and Clark/Red Heart page - "Crochet Lace Fingerless Mitts", pattern LW2017 designed by Andee Graves. The pattern is easy, stressfree, and looks awesome in one color. The pattern photo is in a rainbow color using "Heart & Sole" and they look quite joyful and bright. Try it - I think you'll love this pattern as much as I do. Also - I did not turn and go back and forth at the join of each row. I did turn when it came to the thumb hole, however.  There was no way getting around it unless I cut the yarn which would have been a bit much to hide ends in such a lightweight yarn. I just went around and around before and after the thumb hole!

I purchased black, red, and silver (the white didn't come) in Glamour so plan on making other items with this. Perhaps some gloves to match the black Glamour scarf that Karen (BrooklynAIrishGirl on Ravelry) gave me for Christmas.  I hope you will try it out the next time you have a pattern calling for sock yarn. I think you will find that it is really a wonderful yarn to use!

My beautiful hooks from "Turn of the Century"

I received the hand carved wooden crochet hooks (size I) from "Turn of the Century" today! Yeah!

They certainly are beautiful - I have already used one and it is handy dandy. With my arthritis, I think that the Clover hooks are easier on my hands, but these will be well used and passed on to many generations of my family for years to come!

They come in a neat little round box - sort of looks like a cigar box! I put the hankie down that Beverooni gave me so you can see how gorgeous they are. I also put out a few other hooks so you can judge their size. They are long enough to use as Tunisian hooks for small projects, so that makes them doubly useful!!

Learning & Loving Crochet

Mixing it up with a bit of this and a tad of that from my projects and my life - come along with me!