Today is the FIRST day of the rest of your life!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Forgot the Cat! And a book!

I can't believe that I forgot to take a photo of the cat. She if from the Secret Santa swap in Vanna's Choice. Well, I can believe it I suppose, because I had it separated out from the other things so I could admire it! I also left off the crochet book for Barbie doll clothes. I'll get a photo taken and posted simply because I was a bad girl and left it off, too. Such great gifts!

Don't you just love the crocheted red dress! Karen is amazing!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Secret Santa Stash! ;o) GREAT STUFF!

This is all from the Secret Santa swap in Vanna's Choice. I highly recommend two Christmas swaps to everyone! Such fun stuff. I especially love all the hand made decorations and crafty items, but the scarf is soooooo awesome! Made with Glamour from the Vanna's Choice collection (plus two skeins of the Glamour!). Cannot believe how beautiful the scarf is!

There are two angels, crochet hook sponges for metal hooks, a Santa pin, a Santa ornament, miniature knitted gloves for the tree, a crocheted Christmas tree, a Reindeer on a popcorn package, a one pound chocolate bar, a box for goodies with a top to put the pins into! A cookie cutter with a recipe (and crumbs as the helper could not resist! along with a poem about it):

I made a plate of cookies to share with you this year,
I thought it was a good way to spread some Christmas cheer.
They all looked really tasty so I thought I'd eat just one,
And a little while later I noticed they were gone!
So, here's my Christmas greeting, and a cookie cutter, too.
Now you can make your own cookies, and maybe share a few!

Thanks Karen!

Secret Elf

I finally opened all the little wrapped gifts from my Elf - no small task!  I received some lovely items, not to mention the fun! I have way too much chocolate, but with the fruit is won't be so bad. The doggies received a bag of doggie cookies. On the bottom you can see a set of business cards Tavish had made for me, as well as the little wallet for cards, or whatever. It contained a huge selection of markers she made.  Really lovely!  There is only one very small problem...I have no idea what the beautiful black/navy crocheted "ribbon" with pearls on it is for....I have no clue.  Clueless....but am not blond!

Thanks Paula!!!


Licorice Caramel (???????? WHAT ????????)


Merry Christmas !! Just felt like sharing this. 

Here's a wonderful Caramel recipe an 80 yr. old neighbor/pet client down the street gave me recently.

If you like making holiday candy & like both licorice & Caramel's, you'll love this..feel free to pass it on .

2 cups sugar
1 cup butter (use 1 Tbsp. less than 1 cup or a little too soft, Caramel should be firm)
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1/4 tsp. salt
1 1/2 cups light corn syrup

Combine all ingredients & cook to "soft ball stage" or 242 degrees reading on candy thermometer.

Add 2 tsp. of Anise flavoring & 1/2 tsp. black paste food coloring (optional, just gives it black licorice color doesn't change the taste).

Poor into a 9 x 13 buttered pan (or Teflon pan no need for added butter)

Let cool, cut into 1" squares & wrap in waxed paper or Saran Wrap cut into 2" squares, twist ends & give as great stocking stuffers for Xmas or in Easter Baskets or for Halloween handouts. it all yourself...LOL 

Very YUMMY !!

Friday, December 18, 2009


I was just reading the site that Doris Chan has and she mentions that the very talented designer, Tammy Hildebrand, is quite ill.

Check out Doris' blog for information and if you would like to help out, she has a link.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hook Candy

I just love that name, don't you!?!  Someone can always come up with another name that is just too great!  And crocheters need a little oomph now and again to perk up their station in life.

I have had a favorite designer for booties and slippers for the last year.  Her name is Sylvia Schuchardt - a mouthful, I am sure. Recently married, her last name is Heddwyn now, and that is a bit of a cotton-mouth one, too!  She still uses her maiden name.

Anyway, Sylvia has awesome designs that she sells. I have made some and love them....she sells more than just bootie/shoe/slipper patterns, so take a look here!  It is - so check her out!  I think she still sells at her Etsy shop and on Ravelry.

The photo is of a pair of slippers I made for my granddaughter using one of her Mary Jane designs.  Love them!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cookies For You

I received this from a Mennonite family friend - I hope you make these cookies and pass along the recipe to your family for years to come! I'm actually going to try these, even if I'm not a baker!

"Lyn's family has had a favorite recipe for so long he can't remember. He enjoys baking them now and it is a family request. Here is his recipe. it is taken from the small spiral composition book that his mother hand wrote in 1958 as copies of her mother's recipe book of 1922.

It was written in the old style--very limited directions, rich in fat, but good. Here is the recipe for you to enjoy.


2 1/2 stick butter, 2 cups sugar, 1/2 tsp salt, 2 eggs, 4 cups flour, 1 tsp vanila. After mixing together, keep in refrigerator over night. Roll out thin. Cut into prefered shapes. Brush with egg whites. Decorate with crushed peanuts or sprinkles. Bake at 350 for 8-10 minutes or until brown at edges.  These keep well if they last at all!

Many blessings to each of you.  Jeanie and Lyn Hershey"

......and to all of you!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Hexagons and More

The is the result of the Hexagon Swap in Vanna's Choice Fan Club on Ravelry. Several people have said they love it, but personally it is too busy for my tastes. It was a lot of work, and I am glad it is over! ;o)

It goes up on the auction block on Friday (today) at the annual church Winter Festival, so keep your fingers crossed for me! The money goes to our church women's organization which does a lot of community work.

The two squares are for the Three Course Meal swap in VC. Two more to go!

Grandma and Granddaughters & fast dogs!

What a wonderful visit. No snow, no wind, no rain, sunshine and blue skies, and the granddaughters and parents came to visit! Thank goodness I was smarter this year and took time to get ready two days before the event so I would not be worn out. Fun! I sincerely hope everyone had a grand holiday and some wonderful home cooked goodies (and some lovely sweet store bought, too!). Lucky for me The Daughter is a baker...she makes the most delicious cakes and pies! Yum!
....and during all this I was able to nearly finish putting together the hexagon afghan! It is going to the church sale on Friday's Winter Festival. I hope it brings in a good bit of money considering how much it cost in time and $$ to make it. Unfortunately in this area things do not sell as well (as high) as they would in a larger city where there are not so many hand made items. I'll let you know.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Secret Santa & My Itsy Bitsy Gift from Karen

Well, I signed up for two Secret Santa swaps and am having a dickens of a time.  It isn't the small "stuff" that worries me - I have to have a hand made item, and THAT is what is kicking me in the rear!  I don't knit, so it has to be crocheted. My ladies excel at making things for themselves, so I have to come up with something special that they don't make, and there lies the problem.  They make everything.  For everyone.  Phooey.

The photo is of the Itsy Bitsy Swap on Ravelry - called "The Cloth Swap" and we chose face or dish.  These two most beautiful came from BIG (Brooklyn Irish Girl), Karen.  What beauties!  The cactus cowboy magnet is just darling and handmade (if I could do that I would make something for my giftees!)  The idea I have is to use the pattern she sent for pincushions and see if I can crochet to the pattern and make one of those.  Seems like that would be different, no one would have made one like that, AND cute.  Maybe - if I can pull it off.

There are always potholders, but can't make those in VC as it is acrylic.  Well, could, but won't.  Any other ideas???

By the way, although not the coldest place in the US, I took the dogs out this morning and it was 22 degrees.  It will drop another degree or two before getting warmer.  However, we never had snow as predicted.  Rain.  Should be crisp and clear for about a week at least. Hope it lasts and is clear for all of us during Thanksgiving week!


Too Good Not To Share

I hope that someone tries this! I think I will try it when the kids get here for Thanksgiving. It really looks like it would be a great treat!

Using "leftover Snickers bars" from (assuming any would actually be leftover!) Halloween make a delicious dessert. 

1. Simply chop them up with the food chopper. 
2. Peel, core and slice a few apples. 
3. Place them in a baking dish and sprinkle the chopped candy bars over the apples.
4. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes!!!  
5. Serve alone or with vanilla ice cream. Yummm!

I haven't tried it, but I might want to test out cooking the apples a bit longer first before spreading the mixture on top - however, slightly crispy sounds good!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hello and salutations!  I was feeling sorry for myself today due to pain in the lower back pain and my arthritis acting up all over my body.  Nothing seemed to relieve it all.  When I do feel bad for little ol' me I think about someone who didn't just feel bad due to back pain, but who had an operation because of it, my BFF, and that seems to put it all inperspective.

However, today was a one of the worst days for pain I have had since the trip, so was really feeling puny and sorry for me. ;o(  This time I went to a Ravelry friends blogspot to see what life it really like where pain is concerned.

Have you ever heard of Chiari?  It was not a word in my vocabulary until last year when I met Keesha.  You should take a look at what she has to go through on a good day.  Prayers of love and respite should be sent her way on a daily, hourly basis.

Check her out here.  I suppose one of the many things that she amazes me with is that she still crochets!  What a lovely lady, indeed.  I would hope that I could be as courageous!  Time to say a prayer or two for her and others with like afflictions.  Who's the patron saint of backs, anyway?

Friday, October 30, 2009

Glad to be home!

It use to seem like seven days was such a short, short time to visit family or go on vacation. Now it seems like an eternity!  Funny, too, as when I am home the days seem to fly by and an hour is not nearly enough time to get something done.  When I was a child an hour was a huge amount of time to play outside with one of my brothers or a friend.

I believe, for me, it's because when I'm gone from my own bed and in the care of another person I am not doing the usual things I do to get through a day. There is no 'usual' any longer. The fact that I had a blast, that I ate until I popped, and was able to see friends and family doesn't apply. It is the lack of the 'sameness' that seemed to make the days longer. And yet, I so enjoyed my visit.

EXCEPT for the time at the hospital.  Visiting UCSD Medical Center in Hillcrest, San  Diego.  I had a bronchoscopy at the hands of some very fine, talented, and wonderful people and I suspect that they are just as wonderful to other patients who aren't friends with one of their nurses!  However, the bronchoscopy is a little like water torture, except you know you aren't going to drown. At least I don't think so. It was a comfortable thought, so I gurgled away! Literally.

I am happy to report that my lungs (so far) showed clear and so did my sinus. Now I will be getting the results today or Monday of the saline lung wash, etc., to see if there was anything showing. If not, I then go to some allergist and am retested for a myriad of various substances, animal, mineral, etc., to see if I have acquired yet another allergy which has gone untreated. Sigh.

I have had this cough for over 25 years. It is annoying. It is uncomfortable. It hurts at times. It is embarrassing, too. Especially now when people are so afraid of the flu.  They move away, give you dirty looks, make remarks under the breath.  I generally say something like, "I'm not sick, just have a chronic cough due to allergies" so they won't be so alarmed and start checking their tongue every hour after sitting next to me! ;o)

On a different note, our one and only Enthusiastic Crochetoholic from the UK is asking the Universe to send her a male companion or friend.  I thought that the Mildred cartoon is an appropriate addition to her appeal.  I'll send out my prayers to my personal favorite upstairs person for her, so perhaps you can too!??!


Monday, October 19, 2009

The last of the Hexagons Plus 2

These Hexagons are all made from the same pattern - Rockland Throw by Doris Chan for Caron.  Sure does look different with the change of colors as well as the change in placement of the colors.  Really love this pattern.  I believe I will make a whole throw with two or three colors out of this.  :o)  

The log cabin type square is for the swap, but I was using an H hook and did not want to continue in the pattern as it was going to come out too busy - too many logs!  So I put two borders around to frame it. Lazy.

The bottom square is from 99 Crochet Squares and is #42, I think.....I'll have to double check that tomorrow.  If it is, I'll leave it. Otherwise, will fix the number.  It is an Angel Square for RedDoorMeg from, can you imagine, a swap from APRIL!  She never complained and kept waiting and waiting and waiting for her square to come and FINALLY gave up.  Now she will have a Silver Blue Square and can complete her afghan!  the pattern ended in round six or seven and did not come to the point like I did it.  Hope it isn't too - I don't know - too different?  I looks to me like it needs one more round but is already 12".  I am waiting to see if it shrinks, as they most often do, and will then put one more round of sc or dc, according to the size.  That will make me feel better!

I have a few more squares in the works, ends to weave in, and then a plane to catch on Thursday.  I'm visiting family for a week.  Sunny Southern California!

Thanks, Susan, for sending me your info!  I see we have a lot in common....if I keep losing inches, we may end up the same height, too!   And yeah - I LOVE peach cobbler.  Having lived in GA, SC, and NC I would be insane not to - and Pecan Pie!  Yum!  Now I sound like Beverooni, in that I should know how to make them, but alas I don't. Not a cook or baker.  Just get by feeding a hubby who will eat most anything. I am SO blessed!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Jumpin' Jehoshaphat! Go away for a couple of days and come back to being tagged by the one and only Beverooni!  Mercy!

ABC's of Me Survey!! 

A - Age: I get Social Security...
B - Bed size: The bigger the better!
C - Chore you hate: Taking the dishes out of the dishwasher and dusting. At least hubby does the dishwasher duty!
D - Dog's name: Three dogs - Chuckie, Maggie, Sami
E - Essential start your day item: Check my work schedule/CROCHET!
F - Favorite color: This is the hardest question for me - I don't know the answer.  I like most colors, Dusty Pink is a fav but no more than Cream or Gold. Who knows - certainly not me!
G - Gold or Silver: Gold
H - Height: 5'5"
I - I am: happily married, sadly overweight

J - Job: Retired
K - Kids: Zero of my own, two step-children
L - Living arrangements: On a hill like a princess
M - Mom's name: Elizabeth
N - Nicknames: Fussbudget

O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: Too many to recall!!!!!
P - Pet Peeve: Liars
Q - Quote from a movie: "Go ahead, make my day"

R - Right or left handed: right
S - Siblings: yes
T - Time you wake up: Early before 7:00 a.m.
U- Underwear: Yes
V - Vegetable you dislike: Different items according to how they are cooked
W - Ways you run late: When rushed!
X - X-rays you've had: Everything

Y - Yummy food you make: Apple Turnovers! Hah! Just learned how! And Savory Pot Roast.   
Z - Zoo favorite: Don't go, but at San Diego Wild Animal Park I loved the big cats!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Log Cabin Square

Log Cabin Square - this came out to 12" starting with a 10 sc and 10 rows, then 5 rows of sc there after.  Nice!!!  When I turn and start the next row, I am not doing a chain one as it makes a bit of a bump which keeps it from looking perfectly squared.  I like the smoother look a lot better.

ETA:  I wrote this on Ravelry - hope it helps:

Chain 11, sc in second loop from hook, across chain to have 10 sc. Turn work and without chaining, sc in first stitch and each stitch after (10). Continue for 10 rows total, fasten off.
Change colors, and single Crochet in first stitch of last row, crochet across for 10 stitches; crochet 5 rows, fasten off.
Turn the work to the side, and using the same color, sc in each row of the second color so that there are five sc, then you will sc across the side of the first color block for 10 stitches. Turn you work as above, but do not chain (still & again) just sc in the first stitch. You will do five rows again. Fasten off.
Change colors - turn the work and sc in the corner of the last row completed. You will again single crochet five across (four more) to the end of the ‘log’ and then single crochet across the bottom for 10 more on the next color log. In like manner, you then fasten off and hook the same color on to the last stitch of the last row on the side.
Continue until you reach the size you want. The thing to remember is you are not making a square per se, so you are not going round and round.  You are making distinct patterns, or 'logs', one on top of another.  In this case the beginning square is 10 rows. The first log sits right on top and is five rows.  When you turn the work to the side after fastening off you have 10 rows of red and 5 rows of cream  to sc the 15 stitches - one sc for each row.
Okay - now tell me if this makes sense!!!!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Log Cabin

Now I'm ticking along! This is my first try at making a Log Cabin square. I could not actually find a pattern for this, so made up one on my own. In this version I started with an I hook, using Vanna's Choice in Chocolate. I made six rows of six single crochets. Then singled crocheted across with Lamb for three rows of six single crochets each row.

I turned the work and did nine single crochets, 3 rows in the same Lamb. The turned the work and did nine single crochets with Cranberry. Then, turning the work I did 12 single crochets with the Cranberry....and so forth, and so on.

The main thing, I believe, is to make the first square with an even number that you can halve. Six rows is not very big for making a large might try 12 rows instead (and then make a cooresponding amount of sc that would make it square), then do six rows each stripe after that.

If this doesn't make sense, let me know......

Autumn Square

Autumn Square
The reality is that this square is not really anything wonderfully special - to anyone but ME! I have to admit it is a personal accomplishment for me to have finally understand how to make patterns in single crochet. Trying to do so is the reason I went to Tunisian.
So much easier and faster. However, it always bothered me that so many patterns utilized this technique and I could not do it.

After purchasing a book by Jan Eaton with patterns for squares, I was even more frustrated. For the last year I tried and tried to do something and each time it became
frustrating and impossible.

THEN - I bought yet another book by Jan Eaton. This one is not a pattern book, but a how to book. In it she describes how to accomplish the single crochet patterns (something I feel would have been nice if she had described in the earlier book!).

Now I am going to tell you who have been like me - unable to grasp the situation. I don't use bobbins, so how I treat my material would be a bit different. I am going to explain to you as if you are using bobbins. If you don't, like me, it is a bit trickier on how to change

First, when changing color you will have two loops on the hook after drawing up a yo. Then (on the right side) drop the old color to the back and pick up the new color, yo and pull it through the two loops. Continue all the way across changing colors thusly. (Doesn't that sound really intelligent! Hah!).

Going back across on the wrong side all of your yarn will be on the side facing you. As you continue across going back you will do as you would normally do until you reach the next change in color. Drop the old color to the front with two loops on the hook, then pick up and drop the new color to the back, yo, and pull through a loop. That's it! Each time you change colors you must drop the "old" color to the front (which is the wrong side remember) and put the new color in back (which is the right side!).

On your return, with the right side facing you, all the yarns are at the back which is "normal." (As if anything in this world is really normal!).


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Potholders of sorts...

I will be mailing these out next week for a charity swap. The square is actually a rectangle strip done in the treble pebble look. I folded it over to make it double and crocheted it together using a single crochet. Then put a double crochet border around. So easy. It's in cotton, nice and thick, and didn't take long.

I'm thinking of making more in red and green for Christmas to tie on the front of packages instead of a bow! ;o)  What do you think?  I can't cross stitch, so a cute tree in bobbles would be appropriate, yes?

The other one is a pot handle holder. I started the pattern for the "magic" potholder where you chain 37 or so, double crochet down the edge and then double crochet down the other edge. After I had it about 2" or so (???) I folded it the opposite way than what you are suppose to do and made it into something to use for pot handles or for lids. Works like a charm, and is one of those things you can tuck into a drawer where nothing else will fit unless you wad it up. I hate to give it up, but only takes a few minutes to make so will be able to whip one out in no time!

Last, but not least, my SIL gave me a few pages from an OLD OLD pamphlet that has decorations for Christmas - snowflakes and angels.  Can't wait to post some and lets see if you can make some, too!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Jeremy's Sweater

I have finished the sweater for my newest nephew, and love it! I liked it with two buttons, but am including the other two in the package so that the mom can put them on if she likes it better. I am of the opinion that less is better when it comes to having to dress a baby.

We are having wonderful temperatures so far this week - I am able to leave the window open until about one or two in the afternoon, as it is still not 70 by then. How great is that!??!! My flower beds are really looking good with the Fall flowers, and some of the winter bulbs are begging to show - all this nice cool weather. A great time of year to think about all that is wonderful and good in our world, rather than dwell on that which is mean or dangerous or brings on anxiety. Good time to think about what you can do for your neighbor, or someone in need. Make a difference to someone, if even for just one day. Who knows what might end up being a karma boom-a-rang!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Megan's Scarf

I was lucky enough to test a pattern for RubyShoesCreations on Ravelry. She calls it Ruby's Loopy Scarf, and her pattern is posted at the Ravelry site. It was not hard, went fast, and really looks good. I did make a boo boo in that I pulled up the cables going in
the wrong direction, but did like the way it turned out so left it. I used Vanna's Choice - from a box that Beverooni sent to me (THANK YOU again!) - and think it turned out really nice. I am thinking of making another one for me, but not quite as wide (I have a skinny short neck holding up my pea brain!). This one is going to my niece in Boston - she'll need it!

Christmas is coming up fast, even though we are only in September.  I'm making a concerted effort to finish presents that I make instead of bought ones, so this is a wonderful project for me. Have you ever done that....just made all the presents? I never have, although I've made them often through out the year.  One of the things that I thought I'd do is to try making donation articles along the way - smaller ones - and send 'presents' to those places that need them. It is heart warming, and actually a gift to myself as much as one to where I send it. What are you doing to warm the cockles of your heart?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Weeks End.....

I haven't been as busy as I would like with meeting my crochet obligations, but have just about finished one project. I need to start on some of my squares for the two new groups while finishing my squares for the last two groups ... but am being slow about both.
What I am doing, is enjoying the visit from my nephew. My ONLY nephew on my side of the family (blood relative). He is 32, not married, and a fireman in San Diego. He is sweet. He is tall. He is handsome. He is also a great help in the kitchen and a good cook! Wow.

He has been such fun to have around and is a very wonderful reminder as to what family is all about. He is also a reminder to me of what I missed these many years in never having been blessed with children. It is such a pleasure to see what a wonderful man he has grown into, how self-confident he has become, poised, funny, and hard working.  The photo above is in San Diego a few years back. The one above that was at his graduation from the academy.

He is studying for his next test for the department and I have been helping him with the flash cards. It is a wonder to behold - he can repeat verbatim what is on those cards - at least 50 cards! It is amazing the mind can do such a thing ... and I am learning so much about all that a fireman has to know.
Can you imagine that they have to know which way a fan has to face for particular rooms to ventilate? What the fan is made out of, how to maintain and oil it. What ladders are made of...gloves and gauntlets? There are tools galore that they use for breaking into a roof, for sawing down a door - different blades for different doors - and how to cut electrical wires that go into houses - how to disconnect gas lines or water lines ... how much oxygen is in a tank ... how to haul a person out of a building (leaving an axe and a flashlight pointing UP to show the last place that was searched) - how to search a room when you can't see because there is too much smoke, remembering whether you went in left handed and have to come out right handed.

So - the next time you think about it - bake a cake for your nearby firestation and take it to them to say thank you. It might be someone's most favorite nephew that you are treating well that day. And it might be your grandmother that he pulled out of the last burning building he went into.  Or your puppy that he will save in the next one. And if you see that he looks like this fellow, tell him is Auntie Catherine loves him beyond belief and is so very proud to have him as her beloved nephew.


Love this potholder from Pat A.!!!
Bottom two I made.  Top two I received...lucky me!

Friday, September 4, 2009

One Hex and Two Angel Squares

The top two in Silver Blue and White are for Angels Squares for Tavish (are you reading this Paula????).  The second one down is a pattern I made up as I went along.  I call it Paula's Dream Catcher.  I am quite sure there are tons of patterns out there they use the same premise of doing a chain one on the first row, chain two on the second, chain three on the third, etc so that it has that dream catcher effect.  I hope it tickles her sweet big heart!

The last one is for the Hexagon exchange - sort of matches one in the previous post for JaqiD.  It almost got too out of hand with the wonkiness, but changed the corners and had to decrease a couple of stitches on a round.  It is flat!!! Hooray!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hexagons Galore!

I am finally frantically catching up with my commitment to the Hexagon Group Swap.  It did not dawn on me (although I knew when I signed up) that I had to make about 18 least I have until October 31st to finish, which is no problem.

For the people who get two, I am coordinating the colors from their preferences which I hope gives their afghan a more blended look rather than patchwork.  Most of the patterns I have found are for smaller Hexagons, so am having to improvise the rest.  I did find that if the pattern calls for 2dc, ch1, 2dc in each corner not to do it!  Makes it very wonky when it gets larger as you expand.  Better to trim those early corners down to 1dc, ch2, 1dc so the later rows will not be too long and curly.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Swine Flue and more of the Cardigan

I hav finished the back and one side.  I'll finish the other side tomorrow, and then start on the sleeves.  
I have found I do not like the chain 3 at the beginning of each row, so I have been doing the elongated double crochet - it's on a video that I posted awhile back.  You draw up the loop at the end of the row (rather than doing a chain one or a chain 3).  Then you wrap it around your hook by holding the top of the loop still with one go under the top of the first stitch in the row (the same one the loop came up through), yo, pull up a loop, and then complete it as you would any double crochet.  
You have to hold the top of the loop still with one finger while you do this.  I have found that if it comes lose, you can still do the dc easily as it falls around in place on it's own as long as you have completed one of the pull-throughs.  This leaves the side looking straight, and there is no gap between the chain 3 and the next stitch.  It really is just a dc. 
Heather's patterns call the first ch3 of each row just that.  She doesn't state that the ch3 is going to count as a dc, so at the end of each row she gives the count of the stitches and then says something along the lines of how many stitches plus one ch3.  I go through her instructions now and when it says 23 tr (treble in UK is the same as dc in USA) and 1 chain 3, and mark it out - changing it to 24 tr.  Makes more sense to me that way when I am counting.
I'm throwing in the photo below just for giggles!  Received it today from my SIL and just about fell off my chair laughing!  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!  If you want to 'steal' it, just click on it and when it pops up on a web page download it from there.
Have a good week!
Irrational Fear of Swine Flue

Monday, August 31, 2009

Baby Boy Cardigan

Baby Boy Cardigan - looks blue, but is more of a light teal or blue/green. Don't remember the name of the color. LOVE the yarn!

This will be the cardigan for Jeremy, out newest grand nephew!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Today was a good day - except I don't have any more photos to show for it....YET.

I'm about one third the way through a lovely boys sweater, size 3 month which is from JustCrochet. As it isn't for a new-born, I am using a light aqua green with the borders in cream. Looks really cute! A grand nephew was born in July so will be sending it to him by the end of the week.

I finally figured out what to do with the little sweater I made for a little girl (previous post) - a young Mennonite girl who use to work for us had a baby girl the day after my birthday (I had been hoping!). She will be 3 months old this week, so off it will go to her. I need to visit them anyway, and this is as good an excuse as any.

I'm beginning to think that I could design a pattern for the body of another boys sweater, so think I'll give it a try later this week. Should be fun!

I also finished my first of two Angel Squares. This one is really lovely, too. I made it up :o) and have named it after the person who will be getting it. Photos to follow soon. I hope to finish the other one quickly and get them on their way.

Finally, the photo is of the Guernsey Afghan from "Vanna's Afghans All Through The House" I have started which will be for my hubby. I have finished the block in Terracotta (Vanna's Choice) and started the few rows that separate this block from the next block in Sweet Pea (from Baby Vanna's Choice). Hubby is colored blind and he can see these colors best. However, I don't know that I will be able to stomach using this green in the afghan! I may just switch the Sweet Pea for Duckie (a bright yellow) and just continue all the blocks in the Terracotta. We shall see. I'm using a J hook and this is working up nice and heavy which will take care of his complaint regarding the last one I made for him - too holey and too lightweight!

We are having wonderfully cool weather for this time of year. Here's hoping that you are too!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Little Lacy Jacket

Isn't this just the cutest! Thanks to Beverooni, I made this from one of the patterns from JustCrochet by Heather. She designs some lovely baby clothes.

This is one that was to have buttons and longer sleeves. I added one row to the sleeves after joining the sides because I didn't want the scalloped edge like the bottom. I thought it looked a little too '50's with the extra waves. The next row gave it a straighter edge. I used Baby Soft by Lion Brand.

What do you think?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Famous Cat Afghan

This is for my SIL - she has lots of cats. I have one more cat face to attach and two more Burgundy squares (all in Vanna's Choice). Then I will edge it in some nice pattern. All the cat faces were finished in Tunisian - the Burgundy squares are varied.

I think she will enjoy this.


Learning & Loving Crochet

Mixing it up with a bit of this and a tad of that from my projects and my life - come along with me!